The blog by the Bridget

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


The other night I went to a party. I went with a friend, but she ran off to leave me standing alone-sandwiched between people who were busy talking with someone else. I found myself wishing I was a bit more drunk so that I could enjoy myself a little. This wasn't a traditional, good friends, hanging out party that I normally enjoy. It was a baseball player meat market. A room full of drunken Junior-Senior baseball players sitting around getting wasted while the freshmen girls parade around them, telling eachother how cute they look and how much they luv eachother. I chose to spell love , l-u-v, for a reason- two reasons...1 I see these girls on facebook constantly telling eachother how much they "luv" eachother--drives me fuckin nuts and 2 its not actually really friendship love- its a "I don't trust you- I would totally sleep with that guy you like- I tell everyone about that secret stuff you tell me but we look cute hugging don't we" love.
These girls won't learn for another year or two that its not worth the trouble of prancing around in their cutest little outfits for a bunch of meat-headed jackoffs who will hang all over them one night and jump to their best friend the next. Actually, who am I kidding? Some of them will never learn...but hopefully, they will be blond and tan enough to land themselves a jock husband so they can be his brainless arm candy forever...he has friends if he ever desires to have a good conversation.
Do I sound bitter? I suppose I could be, but not because of jealousy. It's because I've seen this happen to many girls in the last 3 years I've been at college. It's depressing really- to see this meat market happen...all of these young girls flaunting their bodies hoping to land someone high on the social structure...someone who is rich or has a nice body...It's really depressing. Needless to say, I usually stay away from those parties. But the other night I gave in and decided to attend one--after about 10 minutes, I left. I left feeling very lonely. Do you ever have those nights when you want to talk to someone- really talk to someone? I have lots of friends that I can talk to but a person you can really click with i very rare.
I realized while at the party that I had no desire to talk to anyone- I didn't even want to try because I was sure that they had nothing of value to say to me. I was probably right, but it got me thinking. Am I the strange one? I mean, I know I'm a little cynical and quiet, but why is it so hard for me to find someone to carry on a conversation with? Given most of these people at the party only wanted to talk about who was going to have sex with who and who was the drunkest the other night, I still felt as though I should have been able to converse with these people.
But I found myself at the point of total exhaustion of talking to someone who wouldn't find my sarcastic humor funny anyway, so I left the party.
I wonder if anyone just talks anymore. No holds barred- straight up- this is me- no bullshit- talking. I dont even know if I have the guts to do it. Well, if you are out there, anyone who reads this and yearns for conversation as much as I do, let me know.


At 11:04 AM, Blogger november said...

Being that real with someone, takes more trust than most people will ever give out. You have to be raw and open. Plus you have to be able to accept the feedback you get from the other person. It means that you have to be as sure of your self as you can be. When you become that real with someone you have to know who you are.
But like I said you have to trust the other person to the end of the earth. Actually talking to someone without the cloak of your public self is sometimes a very scary thing, and not something that everyone can do easily. If all you are looking for in life is reassurance that you are awesome and you made the right decisions about the mistakes you made, then this kind of converstation is not something you would probably be doing. The girls at the party, and in your experience, seem to be more worried about feeling like they're wanted by someone, or worth something, rather than who they were as a person.

Personality, trust, and values are borrowed unoriginial ideas playing off the common conscious for most modern people. Having an original idea is uncommon.



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